00042-TIOBE Index 纪实


TIOBE Index 地址: https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/ .

The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. Popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings. It is important to note that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.

操作系统:Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

C++ 首次超过 Java

TIOBE Index for December 2022

December Headline: Python, C and C++ competing for language of the year award

更新日期: 2022 年 12 月 5 日.

Next month, TIOBE will reveal its programming language of 2022. There are 3 candidates for this title: Python, C and C++. While Python and C have won the award multiple times, C++ did this only once, back in 2003. The rising popularity of C++ goes at the expense of Java. C++ surpassed Java for the first time in the history of the TIOBE index, which means that Java is at position 4 now. This is the first time that Java is not part of the top 3 since the beginning of the TIOBE index in 2001. Apart from all this, we see that Kotlin and Julia are getting closer and closer to the top 20. – Paul Jansen, CEO TIOBE Software

Dec 2022 Dec 2021 Change Programming Language Ratings Change
1 1 Python 16.66% +3.76%
2 2 C 16.56% +4.77%
3 4 $\wedge$ C++ 11.94% +4.21%
4 3 $\vee$ Java 11.82% +1.70%
5 5 C# 4.92% -1.48%

C++ 是 TIOBE 的 2022 年度编程语言!

TIOBE Index for January 2023

January Headline: C++ is TIOBE’s Programming Language of the Year 2022!

更新日期: 2023 年 1 月 5 日.

C++ is TIOBE’s programming language of the year 2022. It has won this title because C++ gained most popularity (+4.62%) in 2022. Runners up are C (+3.82%) and Python (+2.78%). Interestingly, C++ surpassed Java to become the number 3 of the TIOBE index in November 2022. The reason for C++’s popularity is its excellent performance while being a high level object-oriented language. Because of this, it is possible to develop fast and vast software systems (over millions of lines of code) in C++ without necessarily ending up in a maintenance nightmare.

Another reason for C++’s rise is its “recent” and constant publication of new language standards with interesting features. The first land mark was called C++11. Published in 2011, it was the first considerable change since 1998. The adoption of this new standard took a few years because there were no C++ compilers available to support the new language definition. Because of C++11, C++ was slowly going uphill in the TIOBE index after having been in a constant decline since 2001. The second land mark is the recent C++20 publication, which for instance introduced modules. It will probably lift C++ further in the TIOBE index for the next few years.

What else happened in 2022? Performance seemed to be important. C++ competitor Rust entered the top 20 again (being at position #26 one year ago), but this time it seems to be for real. Lua, which is known for its easy interfacing with C, jumped from position #30 to #24. F# is another language that made an interesting move: from position #74 to position #33 in one years’ time. Promising languages such as Kotlin (from #29 to #25), Julia (from #28 to #29) and Dart (from #37 to #38) still have a long way to go before they reach the top 20. Let’s see what happens in 2023. Happy New Year everybody! – Paul Jansen CEO TIOBE Software.

Jan 2023 Jan 2022 Change Programming Language Ratings Change
1 1 Python 16.36% +2.78%
2 2 C 16.26% +3.82%
3 4 $\wedge$ C++ 12.91% +4.62%
4 3 $\vee$ Java 12.21% +1.55%
5 5 C# 5.73% +0.05%


TIOBE Index for February 2023

February Headline: C++ still unstoppable

更新日期: 2023 年 2 月 6 日.

Last month, C++ won the TIOBE programming language of the year award for 2022. C++ is continuing its success in 2023 so far. Its current year-over-year increase is 5.93%. This is far ahead of all other programming languages, of which the most popular ones only gain about 1%. Since there are only small changes in the TIOBE index of this month, I would like to say a general word about how to use this index. It is important to understand that every programming language has its own strengths and weaknesses and usually excels in certain domains.

Take for instance the 2 new booming languages in the TIOBE index top 20: Scratch and Rust. Scratch is meant to learn programming and is very popular in elementary and secondary schools, whereas Rust is a safe and high performance programming language for experts. In other words, they serve different purposes. The same holds for the top 4 languages. Python is great for data mining, AI programming, statistical programs, research projects, web sites, small glue programs and learning how to program. The second language, C, is the best language for writing small, embedded, safety-critical and high performance programs. C++ on the other hand, is the top favorite language in case you need all the requirements of C but you are going to write a large software system. Finally, Java is best in back ends of business applications and writing apps for Android. So if you want to use a programming language, do your research and select it with care! –Paul Jansen CEO TIOBE Software

Feb 2023 Feb 2022 Change Programming Language Ratings Change
1 1 Python 15.49% +0.16%
2 2 C 15.39% +1.31%
3 4 $\wedge$ C++ 13.94% +5.93%
4 3 $\vee$ Java 13.21% +1.07%
5 5 C# 6.38% +1.01%

编程语言 Zig 进入 TIOBE 指数前 50 名

TIOBE Index for April 2023

April Headline: Programming language Zig enters the TIOBE index top 50

更新日期: 2023 年 4 月 7 日.

Recently, we discussed the emergence of high performance programming languages. These kinds of languages are booming due to the vast amounts of data that needs to be processed nowadays. As a result, C and C++ are doing well in the top 10 and Rust seems to be a keeper in the top 20. But further down the list, there is another remarkable competitor of C and C++ entering the top 50. No, it is not Google’s highly promoted language Carbon, which is only at position #168. It is the programming language Zig. Zig is a very pragmatic language that interacts smoothly with C/C++ programs, thus making it is easy to migrate from C/C++ to Zig. It has all the nice features of C and C++ (such as explicit memory management enhanced with option types) and has abandoned the not-so-nice features (such as the dreadful preprocessing). Entering the top 50 is no guarantee to become a success, but it is at least a first noteworthy step. Good luck Zig! – Paul Jansen CEO TIOBE Software


TIOBE Index for June 2023

June Headline: Will Python remain number 1?

更新日期: 2023 年 6 月 5 日.

Python has been the TIOBE index annual award winner for 3 times in the last 5 years. It has grown in popularity like crazy, due to boosts in the fields of data sciences and artificial intelligence. The rise started somewhere in the autumn of 2017 with a share of 3% and ended at the end of last year with a share of 17%. This year, Python couldn’t keep this all time high of 17% and dropped back to 13%. The other 3 contenders for the first position, C, Java and C++, are getting closer now. Will Python remain number 1? This depends, I think, mainly on the popularity of AI. If tools such as ChatGPT remain the talk of the day, it will attrack new comers and then Python is definitely here to stay. If not, Python should fear for its first position. Apart from this battle for the first place, we see two interesting new languages entering the top 50 for the first time this month: X++ (the language used by Microsoft Dynamics) and Raku (the fork/successor of Perl). – Paul Jansen CEO TIOBE Software


TIOBE Index for July 2023

July Headline: C++ is about to surpass C

更新日期: 2023 年 7 月 10 日.

A few months ago, the programming C++ language claimed position 3 of the TIOBE index (at the expense of Java). But C++ has not finished its rise. C seems to be its next victim. At the moment, the gap between the two is only 0.76%. Apart from this, there are also some other interesting moves this month. JavaScript reaches position #6, which is an all time high. Matlab, Scratch and Rust also match their all time high records at respectively positions #10, #12 and #17. Elsewhere in the TIOBE index, we see that COBOL, after a long time, re-enters the top 20, while Julia is seriously approaching it. – Paul Jansen CEO TIOBE Software




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